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Politically Speaking – October 17, 2023


Some columns are easier to find the words for than others. This week’s column compares to the hardest one for me in the past, which was the attack on 9/11 right after it happened. Last week was Israel’s 9/11. To hear Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu say Israel is at war made me heartsick.

Last week death came from the sea, air and ground in surprise attacks by Hamas on the innocent people of Israel. Israel had no choice but to fight back at a time when Israelis were wrapped up in the seven day long festival of Sukkot. On Saturday, October 7, after sirens sounded just before dawn, citizens soon realized they had been invaded by militants from the terrorist group Hamas. In my opinion, they were backed by Iran. Thousands of missiles were fired from Gaza, leaving many dead. At the same time, hundreds of armed fighters of the terrorist group, many on motorcycles and tanks, breached fences separating Israel from Gaza, taking Israeli soldiers by surprise. They marched into towns, leaving many dead, shooting residents begging for their lives, and taking others hostage, including men, women, children and elderly. A music festival with hundreds of Israeli young people was attacked. They suddenly became victims for the Hamas savages who arrived in vans,  killing 260 party-goers and abducting others. And the unimaginable atrocities continue to grow.

These are truly dark days for Israel as the Prime Minister declared. A veteran Israeli military official deemed the assaults “our 9/11,” and it truly is.

When the war against Israel started, Biden disappeared for over 72 hours with not a word. It’s my belief a commander-in-chief should be a leader and certainly visible. I guess he needed a nap. Obama probably  told him to go to the basement. In the meantime, families were being murdered, American tourists were being killed and kidnapped, babies were being massacred, children were being tortured, and women were being kidnapped. Where was our commander-in-chief when our strongest ally needed us?

And what happened in our own back yard?

Hundreds of Chicago Palestinians marched downtown as the death toll rose in Israel.

“The Squad” that consists of four U.S. representatives, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), stoked outrage, especially with Omar’s plea to not send U.S. weapons to back war crimes in Israel, harping on the plight of the Palestinians, and suggesting that Israel’s retaliation against the terrorist group Hamas might be a war crime. Omar has been a longtime critic of Israel, and Tlaib refused to comment on the death of babies and hung a Palestinian flag outside her office. In my opinion, the squad is unfit to serve, and if they hate this country as much as they appear to, move them to Gaza.

There are protests in New York, among other cities, against Israel.

At this point, Biden has allowed as many as eight million illegals in our country. How many sleeper cells are already here, thanks to Joe Biden? I agree with Mark Levin. Biden and his handlers are largely responsible for arming Iran and Hamas.

Keep in mind, this has been the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust. How much blood on Biden’s hands will Americans allow? Especially after Iran got 6 billion dollars and an additional 75 million dollars. Trust, they’re behind Hamas. Who’s next? Us?

Iran is on the move. Hamas is on the move. Hezbollah is on the move. The Taliban is on the move. Biden doesn’t have a clue and Obama is silent. And Isis has raised its ugly head. Wake up! Please pray for Israel and the Americans trapped there.

Until next week.

The Shoppers Weekly

Picture of Cathy Stuehmeier

Cathy Stuehmeier

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