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Politically Speaking – October 3, 2023


It’s pretty good when CNN unleashes on Biden for his pathological lies. Sadly, Joe has a history of telling one lie after another. But when you start lying about the loss of life on 9-11 at Ground Zero and how you felt the day after because of what you witnessed, in my opinion, that’s as low as you can go.

Sadly, over the years, Biden has gained notoriety for sharing imaginative stories, only to get worse.

Speaking at a military base on September 11 this year, at the remembrance services on the anniversary of 9-11, he said he was at the site the day after, overwhelmingly heart felt.

He went on to say, “I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell, it looked so devastating because of the way you could — where — from where you could stand.”

Biden went on to say that as he got off an Amtrak train on his way to work at the U.S. Senate on the morning of September 11, 2001 he remembered seeing the plume of fire that shot from the sky from where a plane had been flown into the Pentagon. And on and on he went.

Biden continued after his rambling to say he headed back to the Capitol on September 12 while congressional records noted that Biden was in the Senate that day and spoke briefly from the floor.

This year the morning after his speech it was reported that Biden had been caught in another total lie (like everything else he says!)

Sadly, he even went into a big deal about the horrors he saw while there, and how tragic the site was. Remember, he was there, according to him. Again I say, how low can you go?

Other lies:

He’s lied at least 16 times about his family’s business schemes.

He said he witnessed the collapse of a Pittsburg bridge when he was nowhere near it.

He said his grandfather died a few days before he was born, at the same hospital. He died a year before, not in the same hospital. He passed away in a different state.

He said he was arrested in the past during a civil rights protest. Another profound lie.

He claimed he visited a synagogue where worshippers were killed in a mass shooting in 2018. He never visited there. Fact.

A good one, Joe. He said he drove an 18-wheeler in the past. Yet he can’t ride a bicycle.

Oh, and there’s the one where he claimed he taught political theory for four years at the University of Pennsylvania, which once again, never happened.

Shall I go on?

At this point I can’t imagine the whoppers he’s told about Burisma, Hunter, Ukraine, MBNA, China, etc.

Oh, one last good one: He had a conversation with an Amtrak conductor (who was already dead).

On to Bidenomics, five lies Biden’s telling today.

1) Wages and salaries are rising for American workers. Fact is, in 20 of the past 22 months wages have fallen below inflation.

2) Biden has created more jobs than any other modern President. Fact is he’s counting jobs that were mostly created by Trump but disappeared during COVID when the economy shut down. The Democrats are counting jobs that reappeared when businesses reopened.

3) America is producing record amounts of oil and gas. The fact is Biden’s war on fossil fuel is costing the American economy $160 million a day.

4) Biden has reduced the budget defict by $1.7 trillion. Over the past 12 months the budget deficit has exceeded $2 trillion.

5) Gas prices have fallen under Biden. No matter how you slice it, the cost of filling up is about $20 per fill up higher today than it was under Trump.

Team Biden should be ashamed. But there may be hope, because recent polls show that two thirds of Americans think the economy is worse, and they seem to be wising up.

On a closing note, the next Republican debate is to be broadcast Wednesday evening, September 27. The GOP candidates that have qualified at this point are former Governor Nikki Haley, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott, and former Gov. Chris Christie. Please note that more could qualify before the debate. At this point, I don’t see Trump on stage yet.

In the meantime, the illegal immigration problem is getting more dangerous by the hour.

I can think of a better place than the Capitol building for a senior citizens home. God help us.

Until next week.

The Shoppers Weekly

Picture of Cathy Stuehmeier

Cathy Stuehmeier

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