The 38th Annual Greenview Gals Scramble sponsored by Peoples National Bank had a field of 46 teams of two. As the women arrived, Centralia High School’s Girls Golf Team and their coaches Doug Jack and Nikki Burmester greeted the players and put their bags on their carts. The format was a two lady scramble with 92 women participating. After play lunch was served, door prizes were given to all players, on course prizes donated by Peoples National Bank were handed out to the winners of each event, and winners in each of the four flights were announced.
Championship Flight: First place, Becky Castellari & Tammy Isaiah (67); second place, Amber Musenbrock & Lindsey Musenbrock (68); third place, Tina LaBusier & Barb Hohlt (71); fourth place, Tina Boris & Karen Bryan (72); and fifth place, Kim Kell & Becky Maschhoff (74).
“A” Flight: First place Sally Niemeyer & Kathy Escue; second place tie, Terese Sikma & Colleen Schaub and Cyndy Ellis & Dottie Johnson; 4th place tie, Karen Lankheit & Connie Ganz and Sandy Frost & Pat Hilliard.
“B” Flight: First place tie Cathy Yeager & Kris Aikin, and Maggie Adcock & Sue Endres; third place Barb Cardwell & Judy Tauschek; fourth place tie, Amy Kellerman & Liz Hale, Linda Becker & Denice Jansen, Suzi Quick & Karen Schmitt and Barb Gallatin & Linda Turk.
Pictured above: (L to R): Championship Flight first place, Becky Castellari & Tammy Isaiah; “A” Flight first place, Sally Niemeyer & Kathy Escue.

“C” Flight: First place tie, Julie Gusewelle & Dee Mantintona, Cheryl Colbrook & Charlene Stiegman, Diane Hutchcraft & Barb Crouse and Nancy Marti & Annis Hopkins; fifth place tie, Doris Casteleberry & Judy Ehrhart and Charlotte Korte & Bonnie Huels.