SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital is proud to sponsor Helping Hands / Mission Centralia. Mission Centralia is a local non-profit organization that builds handicap accessible ramps for those in need. These ramps, sponsored by local businesses and organizations come at no cost for approved applicants through Mission Centralia’s program.
Mission Centralia is 100% volunteer run. Volunteers need no building experience- as the organization happily works with individuals of all ages and skill levels to install pre built ramps onto homes across the Centralia High School District.
“I thoroughly enjoy volunteering my time with Mission Centralia to help build ramps for community members in need,” said Tammy Copeland SSM Health Illinois Nurse Practitioner, Medical Specialty and Mission Centralia Ramp Builder. “Some people are literally trapped in their homes. Without a handicap accessible ramp, mobility to and from their residence is nearly impossible. I feel a connection between my work with Mission Centralia and my career with SSM Health. I work as a provider in the pulmonary specialty clinic at SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital. I had a patient that used his ramp for a dual purpose. Because of our work with Mission Centralia he was able to make it to his dialysis appointments three days a week and use ramp as a catalyst for his rehabilitation. After going up and down his ramp daily for a few months, he was able to wean himself off oxygen.
“Through my job and volunteer work with Mission Centralia I am able to help under-privileged people within our local community and this makes me very happy. I am proud to be a part of such a great group of people that are living the mission of being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.”
SSM Health is proud to support local charities who work to provide much needed services throughout the communities they serve. SSM Health is an organization that values compassion, respect, excellence, stewardship, and community. They emphasize the cultivation of relationships that inspire service and promote justice in their organization and throughout their communities, with special concern for the poor and marginalized.
(L to R): Damon Harbison (President SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital – Illinois SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital – Illinois SSM Health Rural Health Network – Illinois); Sister Andrea Chudzik (Pastoral/Spiritual Associate); Hollie Colle, MS,RD,LDN (Regional Administrative Vice President – Operations SSM Health Illinois); Rob Schnicker (Helping Hands/ Mission Centralia Director); Sister Michael Gurgone (Pastoral/Spiritual Associate).