The Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees held its monthly meeting on Monday, July 24, 2023. Board members included Bill Hawley (Odin), Linda Stover (Centralia), Laura Wedekemper (Shattuc), Louis Kalert (Centralia), Jim Beasley (Centralia), Craig Finke (Nashville), and Madison Johnson (Student Trustee). Bryan Holthaus (Carlyle) was absent.
The board approved the college’s strategic plan for fiscal year 2024, a summary of the college’s action items that align with the college’s strategic goals and mission. Additionally, the board reviewed and approved a 13.94% increase in health, dental, and vision insurance coverage, effective September 1. The cost increase is due to the college experiencing a medical loss ratio of around 125% in the last year. The increase was negotiated down from an original 21% increase and will be split at the same 80-20 ratio as the overall cost of the health insurance.
Approval was awarded to purchase sole source Amatrol IGNITE equipment, software, and curriculum for the Aspirations In Manufacturing (AIM) Program. The IGNITE program is an interactive, hands-on training program that provides a step-by-step curriculum using virtual simulation and hands-on workstations. Easy transportation of the equipment and virtual simulation software will enable KC instructors to take the program to middle schools and high schools with the Mobile Manufacturing Trailer. KC can also utilize the IGNITE program equipment and curriculum for short-term career workshops and recruitment activities. The purchase of the Amatrol IGNITE equipment, software, and curriculum is a total of $173,000 to Moss Enterprises of Johnston, IA.
The board approved a contract for up to $35,000 with SERVEPRO to provide remediation services for wind and water damage at the Nashville Education Center during the heavy storm activity on June 30. The center is currently open and operating, but additional costs for replacing damaged walls and flooring may exist.
The board approved a resolution to submit the FY25 Community College Capital Resource Allocation Management Program (RAMP) application. KC will submit three priority projects to the Illinois Community College Board for infrastructure improvements. The three identified projects include the reconstruction of the existing east and agriculture parking lots, plus replacing all elevators on campus. The board also approved continuing the services of Madiar Government Relations for up to $60,000 per year to assist the college in securing state and federal capital funds for deferred maintenance and institutional modernization projects.
The tentative fiscal year 2024 budget (effective July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) will be on display for public review Monday-Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the office of the Vice President of Administrative Services, AD 211, Administration Building, 27210 College Road, Centralia IL 62801 for a minimum of 30 days beginning no later than August 21, 2023 through September 22, 2023. It will also be available on the Kaskaskia College website, https://www.kaskaskia.edu/about-kc/consumer-information/. A public budget hearing will be held as to the tentative budget of Kaskaskia College, Community College District No. 501 for Fiscal Year 2023- 2024 on September 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. before the regular board meeting at the Kaskaskia College Greenville Education Center, 209 North 3rd Street, Greenville, Illinois.
In personnel items, the board approved the following new hires: Cody Paul for the Assistant Professor of Music position and Cari Butts as Cosmetology Coordinator. Paul, who has a Master’s and Doctorate in Music Composition, brings seven years of graduate student teaching experience. Butts is a KC graduate, has owned her salon for 13 years, and has been an adjunct faculty member at KC.
Erin Hitchcock was promoted from Instructional Designer to the Director of Learning Innovation and Design. Resignations included Ali Albers (Associate Professor of Nursing), Jill Klostermann (Director of Financial Aid), Aaron Snider (Regional Support Specialist), Daniel Powell (IT Audio Visual Technician), and Jay Jenkins (Women’s Head Basketball Coach).
The board also approved:
• A new position of Assistant Professor of Residential & Commercial Electricity (replaces vacant Residential and Commercial Coordinator Position)
• transition from part-time 30 hours to full-time 40 hours per week for Nursing Simulation Lab Technician Travis Field.