The Centralia Area Historical Museum is hosting a Fill the Caboose School Supply Drive. Below is a list of the supplies they are seeking. Student items needed: Antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, #2 pencils, pens (red, blue, and black), colored pencils, glue sticks, bottles of glue, scissors, 2-pocket folders, crayons, pink pearl erasers, highlighters, washable markers, rulers, 1 subject spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, pencil boxes, wide and college ruled filler paper, 3×5 index cards, 1 inch 3-ring binders, subject dividers, backpacks, Play Doh, watercolor paints.
Teacher and classroom wish list: Kleenexes, baby wipes, Ziploc sandwich and gallon size bags, dry erase markers, permanent markers / sharpies, 3×5 index cards, 1 inch 3 -ring binders, subject dividers, sentence strip paper.
For more information contact them at 618-545-0657.