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Brehm Library offers arts, crafts, games and stories


The C.E. Brehm Memorial Public Library in Mt. Vernon is going fine free. There are no longer fines on overdue books and other materials. You still have to pay for lost or damaged materials.

Please do not leave donations in the book drop.

Brehm Library offers a variety of classes and special presentations. Below are some of their upcoming events.

Story Time will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Library on Wednesday mornings. Join the group for stories read aloud. They will have a fun craft/activity that goes along with the theme for the day. Suitable for children ages 3-5. Registration is required for most children’s programs, so please call 618-242-6322 Ext. 4 for more information.

With the library’s user-friendly materials you can create your own artwork. Join them for Wonderful Watercolors and Creative Coloring on the second Tuesday of the month from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Coloring sheets, colored pencils, crayons, watercolors, and paintbrushes will be provided. Call 618-242-6322 ext. 2 to register.

A Rip and Stitchers Knitting and Crochet Workshop will be offered on the first Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Patrons who have taken a beginning class of crochet and/or knitting are welcome. Patrons who know how to crochet and knit are also welcome. This group is not for beginners. Patrons must have a C.E Brehm Adult card in good standing. Patrons must sign up to attend. Please call 618-242-6322, ext. 2, to register.

Monthly take & make craft kits are available on the first Tuesday of each month. Kits are limited and available on a first come, first served basis. The craft kits will be available on Sept. 5.

Interested in learning how to play an RPG (Role Playing Game)? Join the library’s “Teen Tabletop RPG Group.” No experience necessary. They will have a morning group at 10:30 and an afternoon session at 1:00, each with four available slots. The group meets on the Second Saturday of each month. Call 618-242-6322 ext. 2 to register.

Tweens and Teens Awesome Art and Board Games for ages 11 through 18 will be offered from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Create your own art. Play a board game. Join the group for coloring, watercolors and games. Materials will be provided. Snacks and drinks will be provided. The next event will be held on Sept. 9. Call 618-242-6322 ext. 2 to register.

The C.E. Brehm Memorial Public Library is located at 101 S. 7th St. in Mt., Vernon, Illinois. For more information on the Library and its programs call 618- 242-6322.

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